Tricia Booker Photography

More Birds


For days it’s done nothing but rain here in Virginia, with a few short breaks that may or may not have included a bit of sun. In between the showers and thunderstorms, we managed to tackle some yard work over the weekend, mowed the grass and planted some flowers.

I also cleaned the bird feeders and dug up an old one that was still salvageable from the last bear visit. I decided to fill it and hang it outside my office window, a space usually reserved for a fern or hanging flower basket. This year, however, I decided I would acknowledge my lack of a green thumb and decorate the front porch with those items I cannot kill as easily: bird houses and feeders.


So far, the feeder is a huge hit. This morning I even had a visit from a male Hooded Warbler, a first-time sighting here. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the camera sitting next to me, and the slight movement I made to retrieve it from the bag scared him off. Nevertheless, I’ve enjoyed watching lots of other visitors up close and personal, including the Carolina Wren, Gold Finches, House Finches, Chickadees, a Tufted Titmouse and a pair of Northern Cardinals.

The major feeding station about 15 yards away is still the favorite spot for the Brown-Headed Cowbirds, the Mourning Doves, Blue Jays and the two male Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks that have been feasting here since Saturday.

Of course, my favorite little Hummingbirds have their stations set up around the house, and so far I’ve counted six different birds. It looks like we’ll have a great season together, and as long as I can keep the coffers full and the camera nearby, it looks to be a fun and rewarding summer for all of us.


  1. What a sweet capture of the pair of American Goldfinches. They look like a committed couple. We have had 30-60 of them at a time at our feeders this spring and have had difficulty keeping up! I always enjoy watching them turn from brown to yellow.

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